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The Department of Pharmacology is dedicated to training undergraduate medical students in pharmacology in accordance with the Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) curriculum, as mandated by the National Medical Commission (NMC).

The primary objective of pharmacology education for undergraduate students is to equip them with the ability to apply fundamental principles of pharmacology and therapeutics, fostering a rational and scientific approach to clinical practice.

Emphasizing the integration of computer-assisted learning, the department aims to enhance students' understanding of experimental pharmacology. Additionally, an interdisciplinary teaching approach is adopted by collaborating with allied disciplines such as pathology, medicine, forensic medicine and toxicology, and microbiology. This integration strengthens students' comprehension and application of pharmacological principles in clinical practice.

A key future objective is to collaborate with the Department of Microbiology to address the growing concern of antibiotic resistance through research and education.

The overarching mission of the department is to contribute to the provision of safe, effective, and cost-efficient healthcare for the community.


  • Demonstration room
  • Museum
  • Experimental pharmacology laboratory (CAL laboratory)
  • Clinical pharmacy laboratory
  • Departmental Library


Sr. No

Name of Faculty





M.B;B.S; M.D (Pharmacology)

Professor & Head




M.B;B.S; M.D (Pharmacology)

Assistant Professor




M.B;B.S; M.D (Pharmacology)

Assistant Professor





Junior Resident





Junior Resident





Junior Resident






Part - 1

PH1.1 - PH1.12: GENERAL PHARMACOLOGY (Define and describe the principles of pharmacology, pharmacotherapeutics, Evidence based medicine, Therapeutic drug monitoring, identify drug formulations and drug delivery systems, Pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, principles of Pharmacovigilance & ADR reporting system, management of drug interactions, nomenclature of drugs i.e. generic, branded drugs, parts of a correct, complete and legible generic prescription. Identify errors in prescription,  routes of drug administration, eg., oral, SC, IV, IM, SL,dose calculation for an individual patient, including children, elderly and patient with renal dysfunction.

PH1.13 - PH1.14: DRUGS ACTING ON AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM (Mechanism of action, types, doses, side effects, indications and contraindications of adrenergic , anti-adrenergic drugs,and  cholinergic , anticholinergic drugs)

PH1.15: SKELETAL MUSCLE RELAXANTS (Mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects, indications and contraindications of skeletal muscle relaxants)

PH1.16: AUTOCOIDS AND RELATED DRUGS (Mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects, indications and contraindications of the drugs which act by modulating autacoids, including: anti-histaminics, 5-HT modulating drugs, NSAIDs, drugs for gout, anti-rheumatic drugs, drugs for migraine)

PH1.17: LOCAL ANESTHETICS (Mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects, indications and contraindications of local anesthetics)

PH1.18: GENERAL ANESTHETICS (Mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects, indications and contraindications of general anaesthetics, and preanesthetic medications)

PH1.19: DRUGS ACTING ON CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (Mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects, indications and contraindications of the drugs which act on CNS, (including anxiolytics, sedatives & hypnotics, anti-psychotic, antidepressant drugs, anti-maniacs, opioid agonists and antagonists, drugs used for neurodegenerative disorders, anti-epileptics drugs)

PH1.20 - PH1.23: ALCOHOL AND DRUG DEPENDANCE:  (Effects of acute and chronic ethanol intake, symptoms and management of methanol and ethanol poisonings, drugs of abuse (dependence, addiction, stimulants, depressants, psychedelics, drugs used for criminal offences, process and mechanism of drug deaddiction)

PH1.24: DRUGS ACTING ON RENAL SYSTEM: (Mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects, indications and contraindications of diuretics, antidiuretics- vasopressin and analogues)

PH1.25, PH1.35: DRUGS ACTING ON BLOOD: (Mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects, indications and contraindications of the drugs acting on blood, like anticoagulants, antiplatelets, fibrinolytics, plasma expanders, drugs used in hematological disorders like: 1.Drugs used in anemias 2.Colony Stimulating factors)

PH1.26 - PH1.31: DRUGS ACTING ON CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: (Mechanisms of action, types, doses, side effects, indications and contraindications of the drugs modulating the reninangiotensin and aldosterone system, antihypertensive drugs, drugs used in shock, drugs used in ischemic heart disease (stable, unstable angina and myocardial infarction), peripheral vascular disease, drugs used in congestive heart failure, antiarrhythmics, drugs used in the management of dyslipidemias)

PH1.32 - PH1.33: DRUGS ACTING ON RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: (Mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects, indications and contraindications of drugs used in bronchial asthma and COPD,  drugs used in cough (antitussives, expectorants/ mucolytics)

Part -2

PH1.34: DRUGS ACTING ON GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: (Mechanism/s of action, types, doses, side effects, indications and contraindications of the drugs used as below: 1. Acid-peptic disease and GERD 2. Antiemetics and prokinetics 3. Antidiarrhoeals 4 .Laxatives 5. Inflammatory Bowel Disease 6. Irritable Bowel Disorders, biliary and pancreatic diseases)

PH1.36 - PH1.41: DRUGS ACTING ON ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: (Mechanism of action, types, doses, side effects, indications and contraindications of drugs used in endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders and osteoporosis, drugs used as sex hormones, their analogues and anterior Pituitary hormones, corticosteroids, drugs used for contraception, , Drugs used in the treatment of infertility, Drugs used in erectile dysfunction, uterine relaxants and stimulants)

PH1.42 - PH1.48: ANTIMICROBIAL DRUGS: (General principles of chemotherapy, rational use of antimicrobials including antibiotic stewardship program, first line antitubercular dugs, their mechanisms of action, side effects and doses,indications and contraindications of drugs acting on MDR and XDR Tuberculosis, antileprotic drugs , drugs used in malaria, KALA-AZAR, amebiasis and intestinal helminthiasis, drugs used in UTI/ STD and viral diseases including HIV)

PH1.49: CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY: (Describe mechanism of action, classes, side effects, indications and contraindications of anticancer drugs)

PH1.50: IMMUNOMODULATORS AND IMMUNOSUPPRESSANTS: (Describe mechanisms of action, types, doses, side effects, indications and contraindications of immunomodulators and management of organ transplant rejection)

PH1.51: MISCELLANOUS: (occupational and environmental pesticides, food adulterants, pollutants and insect repellents, management of common poisoning, insecticides, common sting and bites, heavy metal poisoning and chelating agents,  vaccines and their uses, National Health Programmes including Immunisation, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Malaria, HIV, Filaria, Kala Azar, Diarrhoeal diseases, Anaemia & nutritional disorders, Blindness, Non-communicable diseases, cancer and Iodine deficiency, Geriatric and Pediatric pharmacology, Describe drugs used in skin disorders, drugs used in Ocular disorders, Essential medicines, Fixed dose combinations, Over the counter drugs, Herbal medicines, Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacoeconomics, dietary supplements and nutraceuticals, antiseptics .and disinfectants, Drug Regulations, acts and other legal aspects, overview of drug development, Phases of clinical trials and Good Clinical Practice)



PH2.1: Demonstrate understanding of the use of various dosage forms (oral/local/parenteral; solid/liquid)

PH2.2: Prepare oral rehydration solution from ORS packet and explain its use

PH2.3: Demonstrate the appropriate setting up of an intravenous drip in a simulated environment

PH2.4: Demonstrate the correct method of calculation of drug dosage in patients including those used in special situations


PH3.1 Write a rational, correct and legible generic prescription for a given condition and communicate the same to the patient

PH3.2 Perform and interpret a critical appraisal (audit) of a given

PH3.3 Perform a critical evaluation of the drug promotional literature

PH3.4 To recognise and report an adverse drug reaction

PH3.5 To prepare and explain a list of P-drugs for a given case/condition

PH3.6 Demonstrate how to optimize interaction with pharmaceutical representative to get authentic information on drugs

PH3.7 Prepare a list of essential medicines for a healthcare facility

PH3.8 Communicate effectively with a patient on the proper use of prescribed medication


PH4.1 Administer drugs through various routes in a simulated environment using mannequins

PH4.2 Demonstrate the effects of drugs on blood pressure (vasopressor and vaso-depressors with appropriate blockers) using computer aided learning


PH5.1 Communicate with the patient with empathy and ethics on all aspects of drug use

PH5.2 Communicate with the patient regarding optimal use of a) drug therapy, b) devices and c) storage of medicines

PH5.3 Motivate patients with chronic diseases to adhere to the prescribed management by the health care provider

PH5.4 Explain to the patient the relationship between cost of treatment and patient compliance

PH5.5 Demonstrate an understanding of the caution in prescribing drugs likely to produce dependence and recommend the line of management

PH5.6 Demonstrate ability to educate public & patients about various aspects of drug use including drug dependence and OTC drugs

PH5.7 Demonstrate an understanding of the legal and ethical aspects of prescribing drugs


Module 2.1: Demonstrate  ability to communicate to patients in a patient, respectful, non-threatening, non-judgmental and empathetic manner.


Communication is a fundamental prerequisite of the medical profession and beside skills is crucial in ensuring professional success for doctors. This module continues to provide an emphasis on effective communication skills. During professional year II, the emphasis is on active listening and data gathering. Competency addressed The student should be able to: Demonstrate ability to communicate to patients in a patient, respectful, non-threatening, non- judgmental and empathetic manner Level - SH

Learning Experience:

Year of study:  Professional year 2

Hours: 5 (1 + 2 +1+1)

Introductory small group session - 1 hour


Focused small group session - 2 hours

Skills lab session – 1 hour

Discussion and closure – 1 hour

This module includes 2 interdependent learning sessions:

1. Introductory small group session on the principles of communication with focus on opening the discussion, listening and gathering data.

 2. Focused small group session with role play or videos where the students have an opportunity to observe, criticise and discuss common mistakes in opening the discussion, listening and data gathering.

3. Skills lab sessions where students can perform tasks on standardised or regular patients with opportunity for self-critique, critique by patient and by the facilitator.

Module 2.8: Demonstrate empathy to patient encounters.


 Doctors deal with human suffering throughout their professional careers. A balanced approach to the patient care experience requires an understanding of support systems of patients, priorities coping and emotions of families, the role of the doctor, an exploration of empathy vs equanimity and the difference between healing and curing and support. Competency addressed the student should be able to: Demonstrate empathy in patient encounters Level    SH

Learning Experience Year of study:

 Professional year 2 Hours: 6 (includes 2 hours of SDL)

Hospital visit & interviews - 2 hours

Ii. Large Group Discussions with patients’ relatives - 1 hour

Self-directed Learning - 2 hours

Discussion and closure - 1 hour

1. Students are assigned to patients in the hospital, interview their family about their illnesses, experience, reactions, emotions, outlook and expectations (or can be done in a controlled environment with standardised patients.

 2. Family members of patients with different illnesses may be brought to a large group discussion with permission and an interactive discussion (based on the items outlined in option A. Can use standardised patients)

3. Self-directed learning where students write a report from reflection based on sessions 1 & 2 and on other readings, TV series, movies etc.

4. A closure session with students to share their reflections based on 1, 2 and 3 so that it includes how they intend to incorporate the lessons learnt in patient care.




Total Hours allotted to pharmacology: 255 hrs

No of lectures: 80 hrs

Practical/tutorials/Integrated Learning/Seminars/Small group teaching: 165hrs

SDL (self-directed learning): 10 hrs

Format of Internal Assessment Examination:

Sr No.






1stInternal assessment examination

100 Marks

100 Marks


2ndInternal assessment examination

100 Marks

100 Marks


Preliminary Examination

200 Marks

100 Marks



400 Marks

300 Marks



Time: 3hrs

Total: 2 papers (Paper -1 and Paper – 2) = 100 Marks each = Total 200 Marks

Syllabus of Paper 1:

  1. General Pharmacology
  2. Drugs acting on Autonomic Nervous System
  3. Drugs acting on Peripheral Nervous System
  4. Autocoids and related drugs
  5. Drugs acting on blood
  6. Drugs acting on Gastrointestinal system
  7. Drugs acting on central nervous system
  8. Drugs acting on respiratory system


   Syllabus of Paper 2:

  1. Drugs acting on Uterus
  2. Gastrointestinal Drugs
  3. Hormones and Related Drugs
  4. Antimicrobial Drugs
  5. Chemotherapy of  Neoplastic Diseases
  6. Miscellaneous Drugs
  7. Immunosuppressants
  8. Skin Pharmacology
  9. Chelating Agents
  10. Vitamins
  11. Vaccines, Antisera and Immunoglobulins


Theory Paper Pattern and Marks Distribution:

                                                                    PAPER- 1 (100 MARKS)



Type and Number of Questions

Marks Alloted

Total Marks










Paper 1

Section I

Question 1

MCQ (10 Marks)

10 ×1 Mark each = 10 Marks


10 Marks

Question 2






Question 3

LAQ (1/1)

(Modified structured long answer question)


SAQs (4/5)

(short answer question - 1 SN compulsory from AETCOM)


12 Marks each=12 Marks






7×4 Marks each=28 Marks

12 Marks






28 Marks



Paper  1

Section II








Question 1

MCQ (10 Marks)

10 ×1 Mark each = 10 Marks


10 Marks

Question 2






Question 3

LAQ (1/1)

(Modified structured long answer question)


SAQs (4/5)

(short answer question )




12 Marks each=12 Marks






7×4 Marks each=28 Marks

12 Marks






28 Marks




PAPER- 2 (100 MARKS)



Type and Number of Questions

Marks Alloted

Total Marks










Paper 2

Section I

Question 1

MCQ (10 Marks)

10 ×1 Mark each = 10 Marks


10 Marks

Question 2






Question 3

LAQ (1/1)

(Modified structured long answer question)


SAQs (4/5)

(short answer question)


12 Marks each=12 Marks






7×4 Marks each=28 Marks

12 Marks






28 Marks



Paper  2

Section II








Question 1

MCQ (10 Marks)

10 ×1 Mark each = 10 Marks


10 Marks

Question 2






Question 3

LAQ (1/1)

(Modified structured long answer question)


SAQs (4/5)

(short answer question )




12 Marks each=12 Marks






7×4 Marks each=28 Marks

12 Marks






28 Marks





DR SUMIT PATEL (Professor & Head)




  1. Research article entitled “ A comprehensive evaluation of rationality of cough and cold medicines available in Indian market” published in Journal of Indian Medical association. February 2013. Vol 111; issue 2; 94-98. [Co-Author: Parth Desai, Rima Shah, Sagun Desai].


  1. Research article entitled “ Prescribing pattern of cough and cold medicine in central Gujarat.” Published in International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health 2013. Vol2; Issue 2:188-195. [Co- Author: Parth Desai, Rima Shah, Sagun Desai].



  1. Research article entitled “ A study of adverse drug reactions in patients admitted to intensive care unit of a tertiary care teaching rural hospital” published in International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol 5, Issue 1, 2013: 160-163 [Co- Author: Parth Desai, Rima Shah, Sagun Desai].


  1. Pros and Cons of statin therapy. GCSMC J Med SciVol (IV) No(I) Jan-Jun 2015.



  1. A study of the prevailing scenario of Fixed-dose Drug Combinations (FDCs) available in the Indian market. International Journal of Pharmacy 2015;5(4): 1155-1163


  1. Analysis of Fixed – dose Drug Combinations (FDCs) available at various pharmacy stores of western India. Gujarat Medical Journal. I.M.A.G.S.B news bulletin/Feb-216 Vol.12 No.2.



  1. To study usage of antimicrobials in 150 cases of fever admitted in the medicine ward. Gujarat Medical Journal. I.M.A.G.S.B news bulletin/Feb-216 Vol.12 No.2.


  1. An observational study to analyze the dose appropriateness of drugs prescribed in intensive care units of pediatric department. Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, July-september, 2018. By Sumit Patel, Akanksha Prajapati


  1. Study of the effect of propanolol, atenolol and celiprolol on exercise induced changes in heart rate, blood pressure and peak expiratory flow rate in healthy human volunteers. May 2019. By: Sumit Patel, Rima B. Shah


  1. Patient Knowledge and awareness regarding their prescribed medication. Journal of Pharmacovigilance and drug safety, July –Dec 2019. By: Dr Hetul Patel, Dr. Minaxi Shah, Dr Sumit Patel, Dr Akanksha Prajapati, Dr. R.K Dikshit


  1. Comparision of effects of amitriptyline and venlafaxine on cognitive and psychomotor functions in healthy volunteers: A randomized parallel group study. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Oct.2020. By: Rima B.Shah, Sumit Patel, Vipul Chaudhari.



  1. A drug utilization study in pregnancy at a tertiary care teaching hospital. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Oct.2020. By: Kinnari B Thacker, Vipul Chaudhari, Sumit Patel, R K Dikshit.


  1. A utilization study of Fixed dose combinations (FDCs) in dermatologic practice. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, March 2021. By: Zankrut Patel,   Vipul Chaudhari, Sumit Patel, Dr Akanksha Prajapati, Dr Hetul Patel, R K Dikshit.


DR. PIYUSH PARGI (Assistant Professor)




  1. Effect of Remdesivir in the Treatment of Covid-19 Patients. An observational Retrospective Study. European Journal of Cardiovascular medicine. 2023. Vol 13(1). Dr mitul Upadhyay, Bhargav Purohit, Piyushkumar Pargi, Deep Lakhani


  1. Patients Perceptions Regarding Preoperative Informed Consent: A Tertiary Care Hospital Based Survey from India. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Review and Research. 2023. Vol 15(7); 150-115. Hemangi Virani, Ajay Tiwari, Piyushkumar Pargi, Dhagash Gautamkumar Patel


DR. RADHIKA PANCHAL (Assistant Professor)




  1. Evaluation of antidepressant activity of hydro-alcoholic extract of rhizomes of Nardostachys jatamansi DC per se and in combination with fluoxetine in wistar albino rats and swiss albino mice. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology.  2020 Jan;9(1):32-35. Radhika Panchal, Nutanbala Goswami, Ashish anovadiya


  1. Efficacy of Pregabalin and Gabapentin in Treatment of Neuropathic Pain at a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Prospective Study. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 2023. 15 (2), 568-574. sohil makwana preksha barot, jitendra vaghela, Radhika panchal


  1. 3.      Study of Medication Adherence Pattern in Patients with Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital. International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research. 2023. 13 (2), 63-69. Sohil Makwana , Jitendra Vaghela , Radhika Panchal


Risperidone Induced Hyperprolactinemia: A Clinical Case Series. Ann Med Med Res  2020 1,( 1). Radhika Panchal